
For my review I decided to recreate the first object we ever created which was the bowl. I wanted to remake the bowl for a few reasons:
- I found it to be the most fun to make
- It's actually useful and can be used
And finally I could focus on certain aspects I wanted to work in greater detail on which I didn't get a chance to for the first bowl.

I wanted to concentrate more on the finishes and the different styles of finishes which I feel relates back to my degree of Landscape Architecture as we tend to focus more on the finishes and the smaller details of the site such as what plants, soils, materials to use.

The first time I made the bowl I was a bit nervous (it being the first thing we had to create). I found that that nervousness prevented me to experiment and try styles of finishes in fear of my bowl getting distorted or ruined.

This second time of making the bowl I was a lot more focused on smaller details and preparation.
For instance when cutting out the circle I was incredibly slower and more precise with my cuts which gave the final product no jagged edges. This was due to being more comfortable with certain equipment and more confident after 13 weeks of use.
Although, despite being so careful with my cutting I had to restart the circle twice because I felt that my cutting and my precision wasn't as neat as I wanted it to be the first few times.
Once I had a few practices I was able to finally complete a well cut circle.

(the cutting)                                                (the final product)

(the first try)

In Landscape Architecture a fundamental aspect to designing is setting up layers, preparations and concepts. I think that following a similar process rather than considering this as "other" since it's a hands on subject enabled me to create my bowl with greater ease and structure.
I think this also worked out due to it being the second time completing this type of shape however, I think that if I utilised a similar approach to how I tackle my designs I would have had significantly more facility to completing my other works.

(organisation and planning of tools which aided in easier bowl making)

I spent less time on the english wheel for this bowl and more time hitting it in specific spots. My first bowl lacked confidence especially when it came to hitting. I found it hard to find the specific areas you want to hit in order to achieve the result you want to achieve. This bowl, however, with more confidence and more practice I found it almost like working clay when it came to hitting in spots and corner to create the shapes I wanted.

(my one of 3 uses of the english wheel)   (precise hitting to create the shape of a bowl I was pleased with)


(more precise hitting to create more curve and rounding) (after the english wheel round 2 to smooth out all the hitting)

After finally getting a shape I felt almost happy with I started to focus on the finishes.
I found that the first bowl I made was too round, which makes it hard to use as it doesn't quite sit up straight. I incorporated ideas of the torus and made the bottom of my bowl simultaneously invert in and invert out to ensure it would stay in place. I didn't do it obviously enough that it lost the curve and shape of the bowl but enough so that it would sit on a flat surface without wobble.

(shape I was finally almost happy with)

After this I filed and sandpapered the bowl immensely to create a more even surface and remove any drawing lines from the first few stages. I didn't file the first bowl enough in my opinion which is why I filed this one probably a bit too much.

(sand paper and filing of the bowl)

In Landscape Architecture, I personally focus immensely on shape, colour and texture. I really wanted to emphasise that with this bowl and create a more prominent sense of sculpture, aesthetics, design and of my bachelor's degree.
My favourite finish is the hammer finish. I believe that the texture is so beautiful and passing your hand along a hammer finish is a really great feeling. I also appreciate the detail as well as simplicity of it despite it being a long process.
I think this finish compelled me so much because I love Australian flora. The leaves of Australian plants often haves jagged and incredibly distinct edges and leaf shapes. The flowers are incredibly unique, individually, colourful and seemingly simple but complex. I believe that the hammer finish encapsulates all those things that I found so enchanting, significant and exceptional from these Australian plants I work with and see every day.

In order to complete the hammer finish effectively I spent a lot of time figuring out cycles (where to begin and end) as well as organisation of the tools required to attain the best type of hammer finish.

(beginning of the hammer finish with my steel hammer started at the centre and worked my way outward)

I began the hammering in the centre and worked my way outward following the natural circle of the bowl. Succeeding the hammering, finally feeling as though the bowl had been hit enough times I english wheeled my bowl for the final time to guarantee all the small bumps had been smoothed out to create an even finish.

(final product of second bowl with the hammer finish)

In comparison to my first bowl I think that the level of detail and functionality is definitely evident. This is due to a few major reasons:
- Comfortability and confidence with working with the tools which enabled me to create the shape and idea I wanted to create
- Falling back on Landscape Architecture and creating a succinct bridge between these two courses (finishes, details, etc.)
- Being more organised and preparing my vision, tools and shapes.

Through doing these steps I was able to have a different view on the making process and allowed myself to expand on my confidence, knowledge and future ways of creating these types of work.
I've also enabled myself to be able to utilise such shapes and elements in models I may have to make in the future for Landscape Architecture.

(first bowl being used)

(bowls side by side)                                                  (details of finishes of second bowl)

Through the creating of all the other objects, I found that returning to the bowl, the first object we had to create, with all the new knowledge from the other works was a really great activity and exciting.
These past few weeks I've learnt a lot of different and useful tips and tricks and crafts and I definitely had struggles with a few of them, however recreating this bowl and knowing that I now have this knowledge and can use it in my own discipline is extremely exhilarating. I can't wait to apply these new techniques and information to my own discipline and even use them for myself in the future while remembering more efficient, faster and simpler ways of attaining substantial results.


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