

For my review I decided to recreate the first object we ever created which was the bowl. I wanted to remake the bowl for a few reasons: - I found it to be the most fun to make - It's actually useful and can be used And finally I could focus on certain aspects I wanted to work in greater detail on which I didn't get a chance to for the first bowl. I wanted to concentrate more on the finishes and the different styles of finishes which I feel relates back to my degree of Landscape Architecture as we tend to focus more on the finishes and the smaller details of the site such as what plants, soils, materials to use. The first time I made the bowl I was a bit nervous (it being the first thing we had to create). I found that that nervousness prevented me to experiment and try styles of finishes in fear of my bowl getting distorted or ruined. This second time of making the bowl I was a lot more focused on smaller details and preparation. For instance when cutting out the circ...

The 1:1 Fuel Tank (final)

The hardest part of the Fuel Tank was definitely trying to get each individual piece to come together. I found that working with the metal was also difficult as the slightest bump would change the shape of the piece and would completely throw off the tank as a whole.  

The 1:1 Fuel Tank (making of)

Firstly there was a lot of cutting of the metal sheets to get the right shapes This was then followed by replanning the fuel tank and the execution (how many sections to it, how would they fit etc.) and then redesigning it.  After the redesigning came a lot of hitting and English wheeling. I found that the side parts of the fuel tank were the hardest as every time you'd slightly it them they would completely warp and change shape. And once one of them changed shape they would be asymmetrical. I found this really frustrating and infuriating but after a walk or two to cool off and many (many, many) attempts they finally took a similar shape. Then in-between all the hitting was the checking against the laser cut model to make sure the metal was taking the shape and form wanted.  Which, through much hitting, wheeling and shrinking started to finally look something like a final product 

The Bowl, Torus, Tray & Blister

Learning how to make all 4 of these objects has been tricky but also rewarding. It's been insanely satisfying finally having a final product after hitting with a hammer for hours or being on the english wheel for a while.  The bowl was one of my favourites to make. Although it took a lot longer than anticipated constantly tweaking and working on the bowl from hammer to english wheel, it felt incredibly rewarding when it finally took the shape that I wanted.   After the experience from the bowl I found the torus enjoyable to make. I found that I had a bit more of  a hang of where to use the english wheel (and how) and where to properly hit.  The tray was definitely the one I had the most trouble with. No matter where I hit something else would undo itself and it seemed never ending. This was my third tray and I'm really satisfied with how this one turned out.  The blister was seemingly simple at first but after hours of hitting I ...

The Blister (final)


The Blister (tools)

All the tools used including self made tools to be able to access narrow & unreachable by the hammer spots

The Blister (making of continued)
